These wooden cherubs, also known as "putti", are intricately hand-carved sculptures made from wood in Val Gardena, Italy. They feature ornate baroque style, unique charm and intricate craftsmanship. The cherubs are usually made in a variety of poses, such as playing musical instruments or holding a book or flowers, each with its particular symbolism. They are perfect for collectors and art enthusiasts.
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28 items.
Angel Raffaelo with trumpet
Angel Raffaelo with flute
Angel Raffaelo with violin
Angel Raffaelo with mandolin
Ceciliaputtoes cello
Ceciliaputtoes conductor
Ceciliaputtoes flute
Ceciliaputtoes horn
Ceciliaputtoes lyra
Ceciliaputtoes mandolin
Ceciliaputtoes trumpet
Ceciliaputtoes singer
Ceciliaputtoes drum
Ceciliaputtoes violin
Ceciliaputten su base con...
Ceciliputtoes on base with...
Cherub with lute
Cherub with flute
Cherub with trumpet
Cherub with violine
Cherub with ribbon
Cherub without ribbon
Cherub with organ
Cherub Wedding
Cherub with horn
Cherub with harp
Cherub with book
Cherub praying
Showing 1-28 of 28 item(s)